The first information which we received placed a first Boxaca, in 1639, in Tornafort. It took us some time to discover that this town was not the actual origin of our surname. The first Boxaca or Boxica which we have found documented appears in Freixe (a small village in la Vall de Soriguera, called Vall de Siarb in ancient times), within the valley of Sort, Pallars Sobirá, Catalonia (Spain).
The oldest Boxaca we have found is called Petri Boxaca whose son, Pere, speaks of him in 1647, referring to him as deceased.
We have found two brothers and four children of this first Petri Boxaca (who in 1621 was already deceased). The fact that we find three early Boxaca brothers in Freixe leads us to believe that their father was already resident in that place. We will call him Xxxx Boxaca, and place his date of birth at around 1545.
Later on we were able to establish a connection between the Boxacas of Tornafort and the descendants of Freixe. As a result of the analysis of the documents located, we can establish the beginning of the tree in diagram form:
‘The Book of a Family’ is the detailed, informative account of our family's past, present and future.
If anyone can invent a coat of arms for our lineage with good judgment, who better than ourselves?