Welcome to the Family Website for Boxaca. As you saw on your way to this page, our site is presented in four languages; we have spread all over the world in the last 500 years, and we speak these four languages. Our family trees, when printed out, stretch along 40 feet of wall. Therefore, we mention here on the site only a few representative family members from the past. (To protect the privacy of living family, only website contacts are listed here.)
We are able only to present here an overview of the family. Enjoy exploring! For more information (especially if you think you're related to us), we would be happy for you to contact us.
Our surname has had many spellings, resulting from evolving phonetics within Catalonia and from the Castilian influences that introduced the “ch” into the surname. We have been known as Boxaca, Botxaca, Butxaca, Bochaca, and Buchaca.
This is the Catalonian word for “Roots”. ARRELS is our family history, presented in four languages. It is quite complete (and even so, lacks a graphical family tree-it just wouldn't fit!).
We are committed to continue holding reunions. The past reunions have been extraordinarily rewarding for those who attended, and yet we have scarcely begun to know one another. There are hundreds of us alive today, but even if the reunion attendance never exceeds two hundred, those who attend will get to know cousins from around the world and will learn more about this grand family.
Our earliest finding of Boxaca is in Freixe, three brothers, and we assume their father was born about 1545.
We descend from workers of the land in Freixe, Catalonia. Today, the family is found throughout the world.